261 – Season 13 Begins: Travel, Community, & Vacation Prep

February 3, 2025 twodisableddudes

Season 13 kicks off with us catching up after a well-earned break, sharing our reflections on how time away can spark creativity and renew energy. Sean talks about surprising himself with a change to his daily Starbucks routine, leading to a conversation about the small adjustments we make for a healthier, more balanced life. The dudes reflect on travel challenges and accessibility, from Sean navigating Amtrak trains to Kyle celebrating his parents’ 50th anniversary in Hawaii—complete with a game-changing beach wheelchair experience.

We also introduce our exciting new venture, Rare at Sea, a group cruise for the rare disease community designed to foster connection, adventure, and support. We discuss how cruising offers accessibility and flexibility for people with disabilities while creating opportunities for meaningful interactions that go beyond the science of rare diseases.

Links and Resources

Rare at Sea